Desha County just experienced the worst flooding anyone I have talked to can remember. It affected our housing, our crops, and our infrastructure. Let me assure everyone, your County Government is working to find every possible means of helping our recovery process and making it as painless as possible. Indications are that some of the recovery will be up to us. I believe that God will help us through maybe our faith based Organizations with food and residences. I am hopeful that our state will find ways to give us badly needed aid and I feel sure that our governor will provide some help to survive and don't be mistaken we need our young farmers.
I have told everyone in our meetings from the Governor, Senators, and Congressman, that the Desha County people are resilient and we will bounce back from this event. The people that were least affected will help the people more affected and we will recover. We will work together and we will recover.
Richard Tindall
Desha County Judge

If you had any flood damage to your home or business, fill out this form and send the completed form to rbaxter@deshacountyar.org

On June 11, 2021 Desha County Judge Richard Tindall met with Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and many others to discuss recent flooding that impacted Desha County and surrounding areas.

On June 09, 2021 Desha County Judge Richard Tindall signed a Disaster Emergency Proclamation for Desha County! If you have any damages due to flooding be sure to take pictures and keep records of receipts. You can contact Renee Baxter at 870-222-0982 for more info.
The Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) Program is a program that we have applied for to help with Drainage in hopes of helping protect our county people from future issues with flooding disasters.
Faith Based Organizations available:
Team Rubicon. John Zenliskski 484-802-6283
Samaritan Purse Keith Willingham 828-434-6418
Church of Christ Dennis McClintock 417-459-0808