I have been in Desha County since I was barely a teenager. I love the rivers, bayous, lakes, woods, and fields. I enjoy driving down country roads and the highways, but the main thing that told me I was home the first time I came to the County was the people. Our people make the County special. I don't know how many times someone has been in trouble and many friends pull together to help that person out. A Farmer gets sick at harvest time and twenty of his friends show up to harvest for him and leave their crops til later. A House burns down and shelter is offered along with food and clothing. This is what makes Desha County special like no other place I've seen.
Richard Tindall
Desha County

The chief executive officer for County government in Arkansas is the County Judge. As chief executive, the County Judge authorizes and approves the disbursement of all appropriated County funds, operates the system of County roads, administers ordinances enacted by the quorum court, has custody of County property, accepts grants from federal, state, public and private sources, hires County employees except those persons employed by other elected officials of the County, and presides over the quorum court without a vote, but with the power of veto.
The Desha County Judge oversees our county Departments:


Topic: Desha County CDBG Public Hearing
Time: Apr 6, 2023 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Passcode: 236309